Mini-Facelift in Arcadia, CA
Conveniently located to serve Arcadia, CA
Many of the first signs of aging are noticeable between thirty and forty years of age. The skin of the face can begin to sag, with jowls appearing along the jawline. New wrinkles appear, and pre-existing lines deepen in the neck.
The amazing and expanding ability of the mini-facelift to provide maximal and pleasing results has only grown in the past decade. Although there are many variations and names for this procedure, the mini-facelift is essentially a straightforward concept: a shorter, effective way to rejuvenate the face and neck that minimizes recovery time.
The mini-facelift is specifically designed to restore the jawline, address wrinkles and frown lines, tighten the appearance of the face and the neck, and take away “droopy” areas. This restorative procedure creates a more youthful you – one that is consistent with your energy level.
Another advantage of the mini-facelift is that it can be performed without the need for general anesthesia. At the Chow Center, you can take the time to thoroughly discuss your options and cosmetic concerns with Dr. Chow before deciding to undergo the procedure.
In order to learn more about the Mini-Facelift, simply click on one of the links below, or call (626) 447-3223 to schedule your consultation.
Refreshing your face by turning back the clock with a mini-facelift is at once effective and rewarding, and maybe more affordable than you think. When you are considering a permanent improvement to your face, remember that facelift surgery leaves a lasting improvement. For example, someone who “regains” seven years after a mini-facelift will always look younger than her or his stated age, because the improvement is permanent. While the mini-facelift is great for those in their thirties and forties who wish to rejuvenate with a nip and a tuck, those who are older may also benefit greatly from the procedure. Should you desire a more complete lift, please visit the facelift page. For those who are interested in non-surgical options, please visit the liquid facelift page.
Before the Procedure
The first step to improving your appearance begins with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Jen Chow. This will allow you to address any and all of your cosmetic concerns. You can also explore your options for facial rejuvenation at the Chow Center. Additional before and after photos will be available for your perusal, and you will receive an information packet to help you learn more about the procedure as well as to review at your leisure after the consultation.
Once you have scheduled your mini-facelift, you will again have the opportunity to ask Dr. Chow any and all questions you may have regarding the procedure. You will also be provided with written instructions regarding what you should do before and after surgery. Foods, supplements, and even vitamins that may thin the blood should be avoided. Aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, and other over-the-counter non-steroidal inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) should be avoided as well.
If you color your hair, you may choose to do so at least a week prior to your surgery. You should avoid hair dyes for several weeks after the procedure, depending on your type of surgery, in order to maximize safe healing afterward.
The Procedure
Most of Dr. Chow’s mini-facelifts are performed at a fully accredited surgical facility. The procedure may also be performed in the office when appropriate. Should you decide you prefer to have anesthesia during the procedure, it will be done in an accredited outpatient surgical facility and a board-certified anesthesiologist will be on hand to take care of you.
You will be given specific instructions leading up to your procedure. Some helpful tips for the day of surgery include: avoiding clothing that must be pulled over the head (zippered or buttoned shirts are recommended), leaving jewelry and valuables at home, and keeping the face and hair free of makeup and hair sprays or gels, respectively.
Once you have arrived at the facility, Dr. Chow will mark your face for the procedure and use hair bands to preserve the hair and keep it away from the facelift field. He does not need to shave any hair in order to provide excellent results.
The incision lines for a mini-facelift may vary, depending on your unique aesthetic concerns. You will have every opportunity to discuss where these will be made. In general, these are well hidden and once healed, very difficult to see. Despite the fact that the mini-facelift is done more quickly than a full, complete lift, Dr. Chow still prefers to use non-absorbable suture material, as it is less likely to cause scarring and unsightly inflammation after surgery. In addition, you will have tightening not only of the skin but also of the underlying area, allowing you to have longer-lasting, more complete results.

* Individual results may vary.
Recovery Info
After the Procedure
Most patients have very little pain after the mini-facelift. In fact, many only require over-the-counter Tylenol. Swelling is usually very modest and is reduced by an overnight dressing that is removed the morning after your procedure. You will be seen the morning after surgery, and sutures may be removed as early as five days after surgery.
Many of Dr. Chow’s patients resume work or school within a week after surgery. There may still be some residual swelling and/or sutures that need to be removed at that time. However, most such sutures are well hidden and difficult to see. In most cases, mild bruising that occurs can be covered by makeup, a turtleneck shirt, or a scarf.
No strenuous activity (including heavy lifting, running, etc.) should be undertaken in the first week after a mini-facelift. Moderate physical activity (a long walk, light jogging, etc.) may be done at the two-week mark, and just about all normal activities may be resumed after three weeks. Office work that does not require significant physical exertion may be done within a week of surgery.
How Much Does Mini-Facelift Cost?
The cost of a Mini-Facelift will depend on several factors. The price can be affected by body type, type of technique performed, surgical complications, and even allergies. Find out more by scheduling a consultation.
Schedule a Consultation
To learn more about the treatment of Mini-Facelift in Pasadena, contact us and schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Chow.
What is a mini-facelift?
The mini-facelift, which has many names, is also known as the S-lift and the Weekend Lift, among others. It is a procedure designed to rejuvenate the lower face and neck. This procedure is ideal for those who do not have significantly advanced signs of aging and who do not desire the more extensive traditional facelift.
Who is a good candidate for a mini-facelift?
This procedure is ideal for healthy men and women who want to get rid of sagging jowls as well as loose skin along the lower face and upper neck. If you do not have extensive signs of aging and would like to minimize recovery time, this may be the ideal procedure for you. The best way to see if this is the appropriate way to treat your cosmetic concerns is to contact the Chow Center by calling (626) 447-3223 today.
What are the limitations of a mini-facelift?
The mini-facelift is less extensive than the traditional facelift and therefore may not do as much to correct significant aging in the lower face or neck, such as extensive platysmal banding in the anterior neck. In addition, it is designed to improve the lower face and upper neck. Therefore, it does not change the appearance of the eyes, brow, or midface, which can be rejuvenated with eyelid lifts, brow lifts, and the endoscopic midface lift, respectively.
What type of anesthesia is used? Do I need general anesthesia for the mini-facelift?
No, the mini-facelift can be performed with local anesthesia only. Most patients do take some oral sedation medication prior to surgery in order to increase their comfort level, though this is not required.
Where is the mini-facelift performed?
The mini-facelift can be done in the office or in a qualified, fully accredited outpatient surgical facility.
How long does the mini-facelift take?
Depending on your unique face and aesthetic concerns, the time for the procedure may vary significantly. Most take between 2-3 hours.
Will the mini-facelift hurt?
Most patients find that the mini-facelift is uncomfortable rather than painful. You will be provided with prescription narcotic pain medication, though many use this sparingly, and some do not use it at all.
Where are the incisions made in a mini-facelift?
The incisions for the mini-facelift closely resemble those for a traditional facelift. Beginning beneath the temporal tuft of hair (or sideburns for men), the incision wraps around the natural curves of the ear before extending into the hairline behind the ear. Because they fall naturally between two separate components of the face, they are generally very well concealed.
How long will recovery take?
Most patients are presentable about a week after surgery. Any swelling and/or bruising that may occur can be covered with makeup by this time. Most sutures are removed in the first week after surgery, and surgical taping may be used after stitch removal in order to minimize your chances of scarring. Since your own hair will cover most of the incisions, this area is often well hidden from view as it heals. Incisions will be pink initially, then fade as they continue to heal.
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