Youth is an ever fleeting stage of human life. From the beginning of time, humankind has always had an interest in prolonging it for as long as possible. As time has gone by, we have found out many ways to if not preserve our youth, then at least make ourselves look younger.

Plastic surgery has been a boon in our search for preserving one’s youthful appearance. Thanks to plastic surgery procedures and other cosmetic treatments, many of the most common signs of aging can be reduced or completely eliminated.

If you’re unhappy with the way you look, then plastic surgery may be the option you’ve been looking for. There are a number of different surgical procedures designed to help you look and feel better. One of the most popular surgical procedures available is the mid-facelift. It makes it possible for you to reclaim your youthful good looks in no time.

What Is A Mid-Facelift?

As we grow older, our skin starts to lose its elasticity and begins to sag. As time goes by, it becomes more prominent. As a result, wrinkles appear and people often develop a slight droop in their appearance.

Cosmetic surgery is one of the sure-fire ways to get rid of this problem and restore a more youthful appearance to the face. A dramatic change can be observed by removing the sagging skin on one’s face. This is the primary goal of the facelift surgery.

It is a cosmetic surgery that tightens the skin of the face and helps to remove wrinkles. The mid-facelift is a segment falling under the umbrella of facelift procedures, targeting the area around the nose, cheek, and the corners of the mouth.

If the skin of the neck area and beneath the chin is tight enough that it does not need lifting, this procedure is perfect as it only works on the mid-region of the face, which is an area that’s majorly affected by the loosening skin.

Many surgeons perform the mid-facelift by using the traditional techniques involved in the lower facelift. These days, however endoscopic facelift techniques are also adopted by a lot of surgeons as it reportedly lessens recovery time to a considerable extent and increases precision to a large extent.

The mid-facelift will help address some of the most common age related problems that people may have with their appearance. It’s primarily used to treat sagging skin around the cheeks and upper lips, the deep creases around our noses called laugh lines, and even bags under the eyes.

The surgical process cannot start without an initial consultation. During the consultation, your doctor will assess your facial features as a whole. This will help him carefully construct a surgical plan tailored to your specific needs. The consultation is also a great time to ask any questions you have about the procedure.

The recovery time for Mid Face-Lift is much shorter than the traditional facelift surgery. It is a safe and highly effective procedure that can get you the look you desire. After the surgery, it is generally recommended that you take a week off from work to rest and relax. Only light physical activity is recommended during this period but heavy workouts and other highly strenuous physical activities should be avoided until you are fully healed.

Contact Our Office

The Chow Center for Plastic Surgery is well known for its excellence in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. As a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jen Chow will help you achieve the look of your dreams with safe and effective plastic surgery procedures. If you’re interested in a mid-facelift surgery, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.