Fillers are actually quite amazing at erasing signs of aging or weight loss (read this article for more information on how weight loss can make you look older). In fifteen to thirty minutes, fillers can erase the signs of stress, worry, aging, or gauntness in your face. Since fillers are thousands of dollars cheaper than cosmetic surgery, they are usually the go-to option for many to combat the signs of aging and to correct skin deterioration.

So what are some facts you should know about fillers?

Are fillers safe and effective? All fillers used at the Chow Center for Facial Plastic Surgery are approved by the FDA, which means that they are rigorously tested and found to be safe for use in aesthetic medicine. Most fillers help replace the facial volume you lose as you age. For example, Radiesse stimulates your body to produce your own natural collagen to restore fullness and smooth out the signs of aging (and is FDA approved to say it lasts about a year). Juvederm replaces the hyaluronic acid (naturally found in your skin) that you lose as you age (and is also FDA approved to say it lasts about a year). Sculptra is different from the others, as you will not see results as quickly as other injectable fillers. Sculptra is a subtle, gradual treatment that provides structure to let your new look emerge more discreetly (and it lasts up to two years). Since there are risks to any medical procedure, be sure to talk to your facial plastic surgeon before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. In addition, in certain cases, use of the FDA-approved product may be off label. Feel free to speak with Dr. Chow or your facial plastic surgeon regarding your treatments.

What is the difference between Botox and fillers? Botox is mainly a muscle relaxer often used for frown lines, crow’s feet, or forehead lines. Botox can also be injected into the masseter muscles to slim the face and smooth out the jaw-line in some cases. Fillers work better for deeper, sunken-in lines and folds, replacing volume. Usually, a combination of the two will help you achieve your cosmetic desires. In fact, the procedure of using Botox and fillers are combined to rejuvenate the face is often referred to as a “liquid facelift.”

Why should I see Dr. Chow? You want to make sure that you are treated by someone who is properly trained, has experience, and an in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy. When you choose solely based on product price, you are ignoring the skill and ability required to provide safe, aesthetically pleasing results (read more about plastic surgery gone wrong here). Even if you think that fillers and Botox seem easy to inject, visiting an inexperienced injector may increase your risks of an untoward result.

Always remember that you should see your facial plastic surgeon to get the most up-to-date information about aesthetic fillers. In order to know what is best for you, a complete medical history and examination should be performed by the surgeon.

When you reach a certain age, or your skin has lost a certain amount of elasticity, no amount of fillers or Botox will be able to reduce the signs of aging. At that point, to correct your cosmetic concerns, surgical options may also be needed. To learn more about specific procedures, please visit our website.