Trends in Plastic Surgery

Some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures have always been breast implants, rhinoplasties, and (of course!) Botox. However, more recently, chin implants have become far more common. It is now one of the fastest growing plastic surgery procedures, with more and more people getting chin implants every day!
There are multiple reasons for this sudden growth. Most people don’t notice, but having a strong, proportionate chin can really make a difference in your looks. It can balance out a nose or forehead that you might have previously thought was too big, or it can make your face look thinner and longer for those who have more square or round faces. A chin implant can also help make your jawline look more taut, which can help you look years younger. According to Medical News Today, the numbers show that last year, “the number of people seeking [chin implants] has grown more than breast augmentations, Botox, and liposuction combined with a 71% overall increase.”
Another major reason why more and more people desire chin implants is because of increasing competiveness in the workplace and the large amount of video conferencing we do. When video conferencing for business, or even casually FaceTiming/Skyping with your friends, many of us have noticed a double chin or lack of definition in that part of the face. When you begin aging, some of the first changes are to the chin and jawline area. Your jowls start to sag, and the skin becomes loose in that area. People are now opting for chin implants to get back that tighter jaw and chin so that telltale signs of aging disappear.
Are you happy with your chin but unhappy with the sagging? You can also look into other options to restore the neck, jaw, and chin area such as submental liposuction (removal of the fat) and necklifts. You can also opt for nonsurgical chin augmentation. Dr. Chow can inject a facial filler, such as Radiesse, to augment your chin and balance out your face. We also have an advanced computer imaging program that will allow you to see what you might look like before and after the procedure. Your results can last up to a year with injectables! Interested in chin augmentation? Click here to schedule your consult today!